The city clerk manages City records and documents according to Minnesota Statutes regarding records retention and data practices, ensuring resident access to public information in a timely fashion. Information maintained by the City is public unless a specific statutory designation gives it a different classification.
The City of New Hope has adopted the State General Records Retention Schedule to ensure all records of City business are kept as long as they have administrative, fiscal or historical value in compliance with Minnesota Statutes. The City has been building an electronic repository of digital city records to assist in managing the large volume of documents. Individuals can access this repository through Laserfiche.
Contact the city clerk's office at 763.531.5114 for questions about City records.
City Code
New Hope's City Code contains local laws which, along with state and federal laws and regulations, shape our City and its services to keep residents safe, maintain property values and govern private activities within the City's boundaries so that the protection of individual rights balances with the promotion of public health, safety and welfare.