The City of New Hope and New Hope Police Department, in collaboration with the West Metro Fire-Rescue District, have launched Smart911 to improve emergency communication with residents. This new system replaces the previous CodeRED notifıcation system for emergency alerts. Smart911 offers two key benefits:
- It serves as the City's primary method for real-time public emergency notifications.
- It allows community members to create a safety profile, providing vital information to emergency dispatchers and first responders in case of an emergency.
To receive notifications, residents and businesses must sign up for an account, opt-into receive alerts, and share the levels of information they wish police, fire, and EMS to access when responding to a 911 call made from a landline or cellphone associated with their Smart911 Safety Profile. The safety profile is secure and confidential and is used exclusively by emergency responders. All residents are encouraged to create a safety profile.
How to Sign Up
Download the Smart911 app from the Apple Store or Google Play, or register for Smart911 online at The City of New Hope offers this service free to the public; however, message and data rates may apply depending on your mobile provider and service plan. For additional details, please refer to your mobile phone's service plan.