City of New Hope Logo

City of New HopeMinnesota

Building, Expanding & Moving

Available Properties

The city tracks available commercial, industrial and office spaces that are for sale or for lease.

Zoning Map

The zoning map shows what type of land use is permitted for each parcel of land in New Hope.

Zoning Code

The city's zoning code contains all of the local laws and regulations (ordinances) that stipulate how things are done in New Hope and what types of uses are permitted or conditional in each zoning district. Conditional uses must be reviewed by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council.

Development Review

The Design and Review subcommittee meets with applicants to review site and building expansion projects before they come before the Planning Commission. It is comprised of members of the Planning Commission.

Design Guidelines

The New Hope Design Guidelines serve three primary functions:
  1. To guide developers or property owners proposing expansions, renovations, or new construction of buildings
    or parking in commercial, industrial, and multifamily residential areas.
  2. To facilitate dialog between the city and developers/property owners to achieve creative design solutions.
  3. To assist city officials, commissioners, and staff in reviewing development proposals.

The guidelines, by definition, are a set of recommended design goals for new and existing buildings and sites. The guidelines set forth the general desired character for commercial, industrial, and multifamily residential properties, suggesting overall character without dictating specific design requirements.


Permits are required before most construction-related projects may begin. Visit the permits page to learn more.

Business Use Certificate of Occupancy (BUCO)

The city’s Business Use Certificate of Occupancy (BUCO) program requires that businesses register with the city and arrange for an inspection of their facility prior to opening. The inspection ensures that buildings are safe, appropriately equipped, and meet all building and fire code requirements. The permit is nontransferable. Any change in tenant or occupant of premises, change in proprietor or owner of a business, or material change in the business use of the premises by the same owner or occupant of the premises requires a new permit.

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