The City recognizes the importance of pollinators and their benefits, the loss of pollinator habitat, the annual decline in pollinator populations and cultural practices that can harm pollinators.
The New Hope City Council has committed to New Hope undertaking its best efforts to become a Bee-Safe City through best management practices in the use of plantings and pesticides in all public places within the community. The City will refrain from using systemic pesticides on New Hope city property, known to be harmful to pollinators, specifically but not limited to those containing neonicotinoids. The City will do its best to plant flowers favorable to bees and other pollinators in public spaces and avoid planting flowering plants treated with systemic insecticides.
The City of New Hope allows and encourages the development and maintenance of natural and native landscapes that benefit pollinator populations and encourages long-term solutions that are meaningful, sustainable and respectful.
There are several other options for making your outdoor space more pollinator friendly.
- You can reduce the amount of lawn that is turf grass. Consider planting a “bee lawn,” incorporating bee-friendly plants that may require less maintenance than a traditional lawn.
- Fill/replace turfed areas with landscaping full of plants that provide host plants, nectar, pollen, nesting materials, nest sites and shelter from harsh weather. Even a window box or planter can provide more habitat and resources for pollinators.
- Plant shrubs, trees and other flowering plants that flower early to benefit pollinators.
- Mow less frequently or stagger mowing (i.e., alternating the mowing of your back yard and front yard to allow the flowering of some plants.)
- Keep mower deck height set at the maximum height possible. The taller cut height is more beneficial to lawn health and will allow low-growing, pollinator-friendly plants to bloom.
- Avoid fertilizer and pesticide applications throughout May. Fertilizer application on turfed areas may reduce bees’ ability to locate flowers. Also, commonly used pesticides used for weed control can be toxic to bees. If choosing to use fertilizers or pesticides for weed control, consider delaying application until there are plenty of blooming plants for bees to feed on.
New Hope’s ordinance states residents must maintain grass at a height lower than eight inches. Many flowering plants thrive in turfgrass areas and will bloom well under eight inches tall. In fact, grass grown to a height of 5-6” inches will support flowers for early-season pollinators.
City of New Hope ordinance states that beehives must be located 500 feet from any other property and a special permit is required.